Everything we do is a team effort. Our volunteers gather wild hops, identify flora and fauna on our easements, help out around the office, and staff our outreach and fundraising events, Frankly, it’s a whole lot of fun—and the time you spend helps us protect our local open spaces.

Sign up below to be alerted to specific volunteer needs and projects. We also publish volunteer opportunities in our newsletter, so be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already.

Even if your schedule doesn’t allow formal volunteering commitments, you can help the cause by carefully respecting the land during your recreational outings, attending our events, and contributing what you can to our fundraising efforts. We also welcome other ideas and suggestions of ways you feel you can help and would like to contribute!

Adopt an Easement

You can help us protect our properties while you enjoy Park City’s open spaces. Use your daily, weekly, or monthly outdoor adventures to tread lightly on one of our easements and tell us what you see! It’s simple but the impact is great. Sign up below!

Play Naturalists Wanted!

Kids Outdoors restores nature play and connects our youth to the land. Volunteer as a Play Naturalist and inspire a future conservationist! Sign up below!